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televisi akses umum bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "televisi akses umum"
  • The oldest public-access television channel in the United States is the Manhattan Neighborhood Network, founded in 1971.
    Saluran televisi akses umum tertua di Amerika Serikat adalah Manhattan Neighborhood Network, didirikan tahun 1971.
  • Public-access television is often grouped with public, educational, and government access television channels, under the acronym PEG.
    Televisi akses umum sering dikelompokkan bersama saluran televisi akses umum, pendidikan, dan pemerintahan yang disingkat PEG (public, educational, and government).
  • Public-access television is often grouped with public, educational, and government access television channels, under the acronym PEG.
    Televisi akses umum sering dikelompokkan bersama saluran televisi akses umum, pendidikan, dan pemerintahan yang disingkat PEG (public, educational, and government).
  • Public-access television is traditionally a form of non-commercial mass media where the general public can create content television programming which is narrowcast through cable TV specialty channels.
    Televisi akses umum adalah bentuk media massa non-komersial tempat orang-orang dapat membukat program televisi konten yang disiarkan melalui saluran khusus TV kabel.
  • Public-access television was created in the United States between 1969 and 1971 by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), under Chairman Dean Burch, based on pioneering work and advocacy of George Stoney, Red Burns (Alternate Media Center), and Sidney Dean (City Club of NY).
    Televisi akses umum diciptakan di Amerika Serikat antara 1969 dan 1971 oleh Federal Communications Commission (FCC), yang diketuai Dean Burch, berdasarkan karya rintisan serta bantuan George Stoney, Red Burns (Alternate Media Center dan Sidney Dean (City Club of NY).